A partnership congratulations and trade interests in Libya
2014-5-22 12:05:41
A partnership congratulations and trade interests in Libya
May 15, 2014, the Libyan foreign companies Mr.Abduassalam came to our company to discuss cooperation matters, visiting factories and offices during the period, into a cloth on the scale and export capacity of our plant to deepen understanding, and give a high degree of recognition of product quality thereby contributed to the cabinet foot 20 foot container order. periods on product specifications, packaging, quantity, transportation, delivery, and the two sides reached a consensus price!

Turning to the future direction of cooperation, Mr.Abduassalam said it would widen the product range of cooperation in the future in cooperation, including trade cooperation CK brand hydraulic hinges, cabinet support rails and other products with casters,

The figure is from left to right, general manager Chen Division I, Mr.Abduassalam the photo

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